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FBLA Officers Attend Virtual Fall Leadership Conference

By: Noah Holoubek, chapter reporter

            On Tuesday, September 29, the new FBLA season for 2020-2021 kicked off. Even though this year, due to Covid-19, the event was held virtually, it was a great way to start off the new season. This year’s FBLA theme is “Aspire” and that is exactly what the Nebraska FBLA had to accomplish to host FLC completely remotely.

            On the morning of the 29th, the Clarkson-Leigh FBLA officers met in Leigh. They started off the day with a chapter meeting to discuss new chapter business for the year, conduct surveys for chapter members, and welcome a new chapter advisor, Ms. Jennifer Remmereid.

Once a discussion was had about our event plans for the year, including the changes we will need to make to accommodate for Covid-19 guidelines, the officer team reviewed and created groups for our chapter SLC chapter ribbon projects. These ribbon projects allow FBLA chapters to accomplish projects as a chapter and receive recognition at the State Leadership Conference held next spring. Ribbon projects are not only a great way for FBLA chapters to earn awareness at SLC, but they also accomplish the exercise of creating unity and promoting teamwork among a chapter.

In addition to discussing ribbon projects as a chapter, the officer team also familiarized themselves with the themes for competitive event projects, in which chapter members complete and submit as an event for SLC.

            With their officer meeting concluded, the event kicked off with an introduction from the Nebraska FBLA leadership team.

Following the introduction, the events for the day proceeded, including presentations from the Nebraska FBLA leadership team members and their respective duties on the leadership team. These presentations took place via Zoom.

During the day, the Clarkson-Leigh FBLA officer team was able to watch a keynote by Aaron Davis entitled “Amplify Your Leadership”, which talked about the struggles faced among individuals before and during the pandemic along with a way to strengthen your leadership skills and prevail over adversities.

            Once the FLC event was officially over for the day, the officer team concluded their day with one more quick discussion over FLC and by taking an officer group picture.