Turtles: An Odd but Rewarding Pet
For most people, a turtle isn’t thing that comes to mind when they think of getting a new pet. But having a turtle as a pet is one of the best decisions someone could make. It is a lifelong pet and very low maintenance. Many . . .
Student Opinion: President-Elect Trump Has Clear Plan for Future
The 2024 election was a monumental day for our country and results will mark a drastic change in America’s future. Donald J. Trump is soon to be the 47th President of the United States. Donald Trump has made history by becoming . . .
Student Opinion: Goats Make a Great Addition to Any Farm
Walking out to the goat yard every day brings me so much joy. Seeing my favorite type of bovidae so often is absolutely amazing. Goats are definitely the best farm animal to have. In many ways, goats are easy to care for, relatively cheap, . . .
Student Opinion: “No Cell Phones” Policy Is a Positive Thing
In my opinion, one policy at our school that I agree with is the new cell phone policy. Starting this school year, students are not allowed to bring their phone into school, and if they do, it has to stay in their locker. Prior to this, . . .
Student Opinion: Why You Should Drink Home-Brewed Coffee
When many people think of coffee, they think of elders sitting around a table chatting or the old myth that coffee stunts your growth. However, people may not know that home-brewed coffee has many benefits. As a coffee drinker myself, . . .
Student Comment Column: What are your thoughts on climbing gas prices?
By: Isaac Rodenburg, a senior at Leigh High School “ I feel that gas prices are ridiculously high, and my pickup burns through gas faster than I would like, only getting 13 mpg.” . . .