Victory Bell Structure Constructed in Front of Gym
There is certainly a lot of construction around Leigh Community Schools these days, but one thing visitors may have noticed is the new victory bell being constructed in front of the high school gym.
The new victory bell and base are full of historic significance. The bell is the same bell that was in front of the gym at the old high school. That bell was added in 1988 and saved when the old school was torn down in 2021. Another neat thing to be noted is that “LEIGH” is spelled out underneath the bell using bricks from the old high school. Finally, a 10 ft long “Public School” sign finishes out the base the bell sits on. This “Public School” sign is very old and used to be found on top of the old high school.
Superintendent Mr. Cole Fischer said, “Two years ago, when we began to tear the old school down, we wanted to incorporate as many historic touches as we could into the new high school. We saved bricks from the old school and the front sign of the old school to use in this new victory bell. Tim Reichmuth, along with help from a high school construction class, put up the old victory bell in 1988, so we thought it would be fitting to ask him to do the new one, and he said he would.”
Another piece of history was discovered when the old bell structure was torn down – a time capsule from 1988. This discovery has prompted this year’s senior class to put their own time capsule under the new bell for future generations to find someday!
“We are about done with the project,” Reichmuth said. “We just have to put the cap on it and wait for the weather to cool down. I think that the victory bell fits in really well and will be a nice addition for the people coming into the gym.”