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Leigh Community Schools

High School


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LCS Incorporates Local Beef in Menus!

Leigh Community Schools has recently been granted roughly $5000 through a Farm to Schools grant with the Nebraska Department of Education. This is an ongoing grant where schools are encouraged to buy food locally and incorporate it into their menus. Leigh Community Schools used the money to buy hamburger patties, ground beef, philly steak, and the favorite beef roasts for the menu.

The first day the school incorporated the local beef into the menu was April 18th. The roast beef used in the meal was a huge hit with the students.

Superintendent Mr. Fischer said, “I will look to add more options in the future, and the hope is to have local beef in all of our meal planning. We will also work with the Leigh Legacy Fund and Nebraska Cattlemen to secure more beef from our local producers. More information will be coming out in the future if our patrons would like to support this. We are very excited to implement Nebraska beef into our lunch program!”

Head Cook Robin Fuhr said, “It was great to be able to incorporate local beef into our menu, and everybody loved it. It is a really good thing for this farmer school and everyone is enjoying it!”

Students of Leigh Community Schools are excited to hopefully see more local beef in the upcoming menus!