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Leigh Community Schools

High School


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Student Opinion: Students Should Be Able to Drive at Lunch

In my opinion, one policy our school could change is letting students drive over lunch. Right now, high school students have to stay for school lunch, or they have the option of walking downtown for lunch. 

Let’s face it, school lunch is short, and it takes time to walk downtown and walk back.  I believe students should be able to drive downtown so they can spend more time eating, and sometimes there isn’t even time to eat food if you go further downtown than the mini mart. If students could drive, they could support more local places to eat and keep the Leigh economy booming.

In bigger cities, they let kids drive because places to eat are so far away, so why couldn’t we drive just a few blocks? We would have enough time to eat, and in the winter, kids would stay much warmer and would not have to eat school lunch if it’s something they don’t like just because the weather is too bad to walk downtown.  An alternate choice would be two main course meals to pick from each day so kids have more options at school lunch. 

I do think if a change were to be made, that there should be limits, like you can’t drive out of town, you have to be 16, and your parents would have to sign a waiver at the beginning of the year saying you can drive.  Kids have gotten in trouble in the past for driving at lunch when they weren’t supposed to, so if we just eliminate the no driving rule, the admin would be much happier because they wouldn’t have to get mad if a kid breaks the rule because there wouldn’t be a rule to break.  All in all, students and administration alike would get to have a better day if kids were able to drive at lunch. 

All of these reasons should be enough for the school system to take driving at lunch into consideration, but there again should be boundaries on what kids can do and what they have to require to do it.