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Leigh Community Schools



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Pre-schoolers Visit Children’s Museum

“Explore. Learn. Create!” is the motto of the Columbus Area Children’s Museum, and on April 11th, that is exactly what the two LCS afternoon pre-school classes were able to do as they traveled to Columbus to visit the new attraction on a field trip.  

A total of 29 preschool students went on the trip to have fun and because it is a new addition to Columbus. They were at the museum for a total of two hours and had a great time. 

Preschool teacher Mrs. Tiffany Cash said, “We love providing hands-on learning opportunities for our students. The Columbus Area Children’s Museum is new to our community and provides an incredible experience to spark new interests, and encourage learning through exploration. Overall, our students were able to have a fun, educational experience powered by STEM and exhibits that represent real-life interests.”